Friday, April 18, 2008

Names found within Names & what does it mean?

After giving a person the list of names found within their name; they asked:

Thanks! That was some name list you came up with! But surely all those names do not have a meaning for me? I am confused...just because you find a word in your name, does it have to relate to your life in some way? Or are there some words in there that are just random?

Ever see the movie, "The Messenger"?
Jean thought the sword she found in a field had come down miraculously from God to her.
Then the character played by Dustin Hoffman said in response to her claims..something to this effect:
"Sometimes a sword is just a sword"

Well on that note, a name is a word or words.
Sword=Wordswhen Anagrammed.
"Sometimes a word is just a word".
I like seeing how many folks I have actually met are found in my name, and historical figures.
Oddly many of the names I find in my name are not those closest to me!
Mostly I feel its usually just for fun. Just an intriguing diversion.
Lexigramming and Anagramming is a form of Divination in the Mantic Arts arena.
As with any form of divination or analysis, one can take it seriously or just for fun, or anything in between.
"Never base your important life decisions on any form of Divination, be it Lexigramming, Anagramming, Astrology, and so forth. These things can assist in your decisions, but ultimately one should make decisions based on logic and common sense."



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♥ ♥ ♥ ERROR FREE LEXIGRAMMING IS MY SERIOUS PASSION!♥ ♥ ♥ I have been Lexigramming and Anagramming for over 1/2 a century. I learned much from my great grandparents. Many new and other ways have come to my attention since then. However the way I was taught, is the easiest and most logical, and the only error free way I have yet encountered. Lexigramming is not new. It is a very ancient art, or form of divination and secret coding, My partner is as passionate as I am about Lexigramming. He learned of them at a very young age from his grandmother, and has been doing them for over 3 1/2 decades. So betwixt us, there is over 85 years Lexigramming and Anagramming experience to date!